Donate now to help us
Water and electric light are essential for life and for communities’ economic development.
Do you know that to produce:
1 Kg (2,2 lb) of onions you need about 140 litres (31 gal) of water?,
1 Kg (2,2 lb) of tomatoes you need about 156 litres (41 gal) of water?,
1 Kg (2,2 lb) of Salad you need about circa 239 litres (63 gal) of water?.
Each well built by EPS produces 3.650.000 L of water every year. A small photovoltaic plant guarantees about 2.200 hours of light per year.
We use every euro raised from donations to generate water and electric light: with your donation, you can help us getting the energy on!
Thanks to your support, we can make the difference and improve the quality of life of rural villages’ populations in the province of Thies, Senegal.
Donation via bank transfer
VIA LISBONA 37, 50065, PONTASSIEVE C.F. 94275900481
Bank Account Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Pontassieve
IT 48 D 08736 38010 000000 075329